Tuesday 24 March 2009

Urban Photos

Unfortunatley, the photos I took for this week weren't very good. Mainly because I found it quite embarassing...:/

The places I went to also weren't the most urban, but I do think some decent shots could have been taken had I been a bit more confident

I quite like this photo, although the shadow on the sign is a bit distracting, I think it generally looks quite nice. There are a few minor distractions, but if they were too be cropped out the photo could look quite nice.

But there's nothing really amazing about it, the clouds look quite nice, but it doesn't really contribute to the whole 'urban' theme.

Once again, not very urban.

There are unattractive shadows, and the picture seems incredibly pointless. It's not showing anything iteresting, nor is it being shown in an interesting fashion.

Had I zoomed in and maybe taken this shot from a lower angle, looking up at the sign, it may have been more interesting.
It looks dirty and uninteresting.
In order to have really got some interesting ubran shots, I should have taken things from interesting angles, and tried to include passers by. I should also have been a bit more comfortable in taking the pictures :)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Zoya

    with these photos - try taking them extremely close up (such as along the red bench) or so that the angles are what dominates rather than the form - so with the bus stop sign - get close up and perhaps from underneath to make an ordinary object unusual misst x
