Sunday 1 March 2009

The Next Batch

I really like the angle at which this is taken, looks like it's taken from someone's view, who's sneaking around or soemthing .

I like that you can see the texture and grooves in the wood, but it would look much more effective if the fence wasn't blurred out at the front.


There's quite a lot going on in this picture with the fence and twisted leaves and branches, and there's even a spider web in the background, which I hadn't noticed at first.

I like the fact that there is a leaf which is nearly in the centre of the image, so it really stands out, and you look to it stright away. The leaves look really bright, and you can see the veins, which shows quite a nice contrast on the leaf itself. I like how some of the branches just seem to be coming in from the shot it self.


A silent stinging heap

Just a close up of the above image, and one I really like. You can really see the veins a lot more clearly, and I love the different shades of green against eachother.

It probably would have ben a bit better if I got the whole of the main leaf in, an it the leaf behind it wasn't over exposed by the flash, as some of it's been lost to whiteness.

I'm quite pleased with the detail, you can sort of see the deails of the surface of the leaf :)


;;& the remains have become a profanity on our tired souls.

It's not the most amazing shot, but it's quite different from what I would normally see, so I quite like it. The bone really stands out against the soil and rotten apples, makind the picture look a bit more interesting. I think it's good in the sense that everything is clear and so you can focus your attention on any aspect, yet the bone still captures attention.

However the right side of the picture seems a little out of focus and blurred, although it's not hugely noticeable I would try to have the picture all in focus if I were to take it again.


a striking structure begins to fall

I think this picture is quite boring, there is nothing extremely interesting about it, but I like ot think it's framed quite well, which stops the shot from looking TOO boring.

If we drew out the rule of thirds grid, it would fit into it quite nicely. So I would like to be able to incorporate the positive framing into my other pictures, yet keep them interesting.

I dont think it's boring because it's not really zoomed in on anything, but because there is nothing special about what is in the picture, all very ordinary things, taken froma very ordinary angle.


cracking under pressure
This is probably my favourite photo from the ones I took this week. It isn't of something very amazing, but I just really like how you can see so much of the texture of the wood. I also like the straight lines in the wood behind it, making it look sort of suspicious, it makes you want to know what is around the corner.

There is very little for me to connote from this image, but I appreciate the mysterious sort of feel that it can give. It makes me wonder what the particular peice of wood is for, and what it has been used it was something that I had never really noticed in my garden before.

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